Hits count not working properly- Featured and single article - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support


we have noticed other day hits counting on our articles not working anymore. hope here can me solve issue, since important because our clients updates on hits.

we have implemented search function on our website , reason, created menu links our articles. articles can accessed single article search , featured articles on main menu of our website.

for example single article:
http://www.africa-adventure.de/index.ph ... on-robberg

for example featured article:
http://www.africa-adventure.de/index.ph ... unterkunft
(113 on robberg article can found way on bottom)

furthermore started adding google maps button each of our articles in top right. when clicking on it, map of establishment open in modal window. (map created in article, modal window opens article)
we still have articles not added yet , on these hits count doesn't work either. whyi think caused search...

we used hits on article when featured article accessed , when visitors clicked on website address or of our social media buttons. on featured article hit when opening map , on article map instead of getting hit on original article.

when accessing article single it's same picture, when opening map hit, time though on both map article , regular article.
no hits when clicking on website address, social media buttons etc.

i hope explanation makes sense, our website structure quite complex , not native speaker... hope of can out here!

thanks in advance,

- can check hits article option
- check map extension use, can integrate it.


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