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Thread: Hard drive disappears

i hope can me @ least find problem.

here's system spec:
cpu : core i7 860 (lga 1156)  mb : dh55tc (tom cove - intel)  memory : 8gb kingston valueram  hard drives: 2 x sata st31000525sv 1tb seagate
my system setup follows:
os : ubuntu server lts  'roles': lamp,samba,openssh   partitions:     /dev/sda         /dev/sda1 - ext4 partition - mounted on '/' - 8gb         /dev/sda2 - software raid partition - rest of disk     /dev/sdb         /dev/sdb1 - swap - 8gb         /dev/sdb2 - software raid partition - rest of disk     /dev/md0 - ext 4 partitioon - mounted on '/data' - 1.8tb    software raid : raid0
use of system:
meant run 'headless' appliance tcpdump capturing , analysis '/data' partition. use raid0 because need maximum speed without redundancy requirements.

built machine, installed ether tap needed , logged in next day check on statistics. when logged in, unable see /dev/sdb @ , /dev/md0 partition mounted read only.

proceeded restart box greeted message stating '/dev/md0' not mounted , press 's' skip, press 's', go box , 'cat /proc/diskstats' see /dev/sda drive in machine.

restart machine again (by turning off , on) , works again. can restart , go mad after , nothing break. after day, same story.

s.m.a.r.t status' of drives report 'disk healthy'. disks pass seatools windows (i tested them in machine) without issues.

there other tests can recommend, instance, test ide/sata controller perhaps or other recommendations.

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Hardware [ubuntu] Hard drive disappears



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