Problems Printing

i having problems printing photoshop cs6 epson pro 3880 in paper sizes 13x19 , 17x22.  have not had problem several weeks ago, has shown in past week.  worked epson tech support , able determine problem photoshop took several days working tech support. downloaded new drivers several times , reset printer factory settings.  tried printing , still had same problems small print in lower left hand corner of these larger papers.  printer prints fine on 8.5x11 paper.  tried printing lightroom 4 , did fine.  next uninstalled photoshop cs6 , reinstalled , still found xact same problem.  else finding case?  have tried contact adobe tech support, have not been able through on past number of days.

hippty hop wrote:


i having problems printing photoshop cs6 epson pro 3880 in paper sizes 13x19 , 17x22.  have not had problem several weeks ago, has shown in past week.

ok means on machine changed.  not having problems in lr.  system device drivers , installed properly.  when thing start not working proper in photoshop first thing should think of perhaps has become corrupt in user id photoshop preferences.  while newer versions of photoshop installers have , uninstall option remove users preferences never recommend using adobe uninstall processes. have had many problems in past them.   removing , reinstalling photoshop of time not fix problems caused user id photoshop preferences being bad.


photoshop user id preferences created user id whenever photoshop starts , user id has no phoroshop preferences. best way find out if have problem in usere id photoshop preferences to shutdown photoshop rename usere id photoshop preferences folder. start photoshop , have photoshop create new set of preferences user id. test see if problem fixed.   still have preferences changes in renamed tree can switch if problem still exists.  cals recover thing ther if provlem fixed actions , other things added photoshop.


for example stop photoshop

rename "c:\users\your user id\appdata\roaming\adobe\adobe photoshop cs6" to  "c:\users\your user id\appdata\roaming\adobe\adobe photoshop cs6 old"

start photoshop test print problem

More discussions in Photoshop General Discussion



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