Moving configuration.php from root directory - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hello guyz,
some months ago on j2.5 tried move configuration.php original joomla directory directory outside www (2 or 3 levels up). unfortunately not able perform it, following thread rsfirewall site.

now i'm in j3.4, knows how move in order improve overall website security? first possible, recommend , how perform it?

i love post rsfirewall link.
as page notice indicated, security information on page accepted security moderators no longer relevant , provides no additional or minimal additional security website.
please refer following alternative(s) available here: ... ldid=68318

moving configuration.php root of joomla installation described in procedures below makes no sense @ if website or server insufficiently protected. moving file prevents viewing of joomla configuration file casual observer. offers no protection if root access can been gained domain in fashion, nor prevent root access domain result of security compromises in joomla, 3rd party extensions, or similar insecurities access gained through badly configured/protected remote or local servers."


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