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Thread: Re sizing Banshee

i have updated 11.04 (but can't change personal info because don't have 50 posts yet) , i'm having problems banshee.

here's happens: open banshee, click on song, , window maximizes/minimizes spreads across 2 desktops.

have tried uninstalling banshee several times (including purging ppa) , yet when reinstall same thing keeps happening.

if has advice love hear it.


with banshee window minimised, can bottom right-hand corner resize it? if can resize down sensible size , close window, *should* reopen same smaller size.

if can't bottom of window (if it's spilling off bottom of screen), position mouse cursor anywhere within window, press , hold alt key, , use left-click , mouse move up. or can use alt-f7 tether hand mouse icon window , use mouse (without clicking) move window able bottom-right corner.

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