Site showing code in some places instead of icons/media play - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i having issues website. @ top of site of code showing instead of social icons. also, media player code showing instead of media player. if clear cache , purge expired cache seems fix few page loads, if continue load page messes again. believe caching issue , seems happen in every browser. have ideas on how fix problem?

example: see instead of social icons

code: select all

[icon_button icon="icon-facebook" url="" target="_blank"][/icon_button] [icon_button icon="icon-twitter" url="" target="_blank"][/icon_button] [icon_button icon="[youtube]" url="http://www.[youtube].com/user/oakgrovephchurch" target="_blank"][/icon_button]

example: see instead of widgetkit media player:

code: select all

[audio src="/audio/sermons/2014/september 14, 2014.mp3" type="audio/mpeg"][/audio]



check if plugin enabled in extensions > plugin manager
try clearing cache


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