How to change Joomla system fonts in MSIE and Safari? - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

hi all,

i having trouble faithful old ff browser. used work great everywhere lately bugs maddening. ff won't show images in joomla sites work. so, want go browser developing in joomla. however, both safari , msie use annoying font when sign in joomla. please see attached screen capture.

i want know how change font - not within joomla site - within joomla itself... @ least within msie , safari. i've looked can't find it. can help?

thank you, in advance.


joomla's default backend template uses these fonts in order of priority:

1. helvetica neue
2. helvetica
3. arial

if none of them active on system, firefox uses whatever sans-serif font selected in preferences replacement.


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