Help: Labels are surrounded by double asterisks - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i putting finishing touches on migrated j3.3 site replace our 1.5 site. yesterday, site fine. far can tell, doing yesterday working on template override 1 view of jevents calendaring component, must have disturbed in joomla core, because of sudden menu items , messages in joomla end preceded , followed 2 asterisks, , same goes smattering of prompts within components in front end.

furthermore, joomla debug area @ bottom of pages says:

code: select all

"parsing errors in language files"
jroot/administrator/language/en-gb/en-gb.plg_system_jumi.ini : error(s) in line(s) 0, 1, 3, 10, 11

but may have been case before problem occurred; don't know.
that file's contents are:

code: select all

# $id: en-gb.plg_content_jumi.ini 95 2009-02-25 10:20:33z martin2hajek $
# note : ini files need saved utf-8 - no bom

jumiplugindesc="<p>this content plugin includes joomla! articles custom script: file or jumi component database record.</p><p><b>usage: {jumi [stored_code_source] [arg1] [arg2] ... [argn]}</b><br />where</p><ul><li><b>stored_code_source</b><br />is filepathname included or<br />id of jumi componet databese table record.<br />the filepathname relative 1 respect default absolute path can set in plugin parameters. if not set equivalent joomla! root.<br />the record id must preceeded asterrisk (e.g. *4).</li><li><b>[arg1] ... [argn]</b><br />are optional jumi arguments. depends on custom included php file if can handle them. arguments can accessed $jumi[] array in included php file.</li></ul><p>example of file inclusion + arguments:  {jumi [plugins/system/jumi/jumi/jumi_demo.php][first][second]}</p><p>example of component database record inclusion:  {jumi [*1]}</p><p>there compatible jumi module , component.</p><p>additional information , resources: <a href="">downloads & guides</a>, <a href="">tutorial</a>.</p>"
paramabspath="optional default absolute path included file. prepend filepathname included. if left blank identical joomla! root directory. no slash @ end."
paramhidecode="if set yes jumi code not displayed , not processed."
paramnested="if set yes jumi code include code , apply replacement of jumi syntax command in too."
error_content="jumi working there <b>nothing shown</b>.<br />specify source of code (first square brackets)."
error_file="the file <b>%s</b> not exist or not readable!"
error_record="record id:<b>%d</b> not exist!"
hide jumi code="hide jumi code"
default absolute jumi path="default absolute jumi path"

can advise should check or fix?

thanks attention.

can download jumi package , copy file plg_system_jumi.ini in server?


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