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Thread: Is using Fluxbox worth it?

hello, i've got few questions here. i've heard of environment called "fluxbox". though have never used, or seen before, told literally stripped down gets, , nothing besides render minimalist windows.

can download ubuntu 11, or 10 matter, pre-fluxbox? because of google results i've seen things post-installs. less ideal situation.

secondly, going through trouble of installing/using fluxbox worth it? when there other lightweight desktops lxde , xfce? fluxbox more lightweight?

input appreciated, in advance.

fluxbox minimalist indeed; me, it's so. ubuntu not come fluxbox, correct, can installed afterwards.

perhaps server install, x/flux being installed after fact, or distro?

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Desktop Environments [SOLVED] Is using Fluxbox worth it?



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