site not producing 404 errors when it should - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i know it's strange want site create 404 errors. here's thing. rebuilt our associations website. old site running joomla 1.5 created new site using joomla 3.x. please keep in mind our site multilingual using english , greek.

i enabled redirect plugin try catch many broken links possible , reroute them new url. i have done using .htaccess webhost our association doesn't allow site read .htaccess files might want .htaccess have submit support ticket , wait them implement it. why wanted try , work built in joomla redirect plugin.

using joomla's built in redirect plugin has worked part. noticed strange. have section on our site lists names of members in our association , contact information. in joomla 1.5, though had turned on search engine friendly url's , use url rewriting, when clicked on contact still place id number in front of category , id number in front of contact in url. have this:

code: select all

now, new site, i've managed make category , contact id's not displayed in url. if visit site , same individual on new site url be:

code: select all

now problem , why want site produce 404 error's. if search john doe in our association , google cache has link old site contains contact id number because site built scratch john doe's contact id number different on new site. since different should produce 404 error doesn't, why? because found contact on site, let's jane doe, who's contact id number 6, same 1 john doe had on old site. though similarity in link , should technically produce 404 error doesn't. instead, joomla taking old cached link, recognizing contact id number contained in , directing jane doe's contact page. because jane doe's contact id number on new site same contact id number john doe had on old site.

*** edit ***

i realized same thing happening articles. if article on new site has same id number article old site cached link old site, instead of producing 404 error, redirects article on new site. though url's different, , 404 should produced, joomla recognizes there article same id number , displays article same id number while retaining old url in address bar!

*** edit ***

is kind of bug?

what can remedy this?

thanks in advance help!


without seeing page in action, difficult menaingful. however, suggest try official document: ... error_page

if site isn't giving 404 errors, displaying such errors?


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