Error uploading large files. Backend, Frontend - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have configure php.ini on panel whm. wanna upload 3gb max frontend , backend. error,

upload_max_filesize = 3000m
post_max_size = 3000m
max_execution_time = 30000
memory -1

the changes can seen.



now problem can upload 400mb in quantity. seems joomla ignore configuration shown in image.

when try upload more 400mb shows me following error. tried various extensions , throw me same error. of course jdownloasds also..

no longer dont know how fix problem contact cpanel support sending ticket , replied.

i'm afraid error (error: ajax loading) seems related joomla , not cpanel. unfortunately, cpanel support unable troubleshoot cms related errors.

i highly recommend searching and/or posting on joomla community forums or support regarding issue. if error on joomla front end, suggest contacting developer of theme using joomla

please let me know if can of further assistance.


kindest regards,

ahmed samir
technical analyst i
cpanel, inc.

i'm using extensions, rsfirewall, music collection, jdownloads, easysocial, easydiscuss, komento, easyblog, akeeba backup,


from extensions when upload more 400 mb??


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