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Thread: NIS with NFS mounted homeareas and failed mounts.


i've searched , in end think i've got solution (hack).

the setup:

network looked after /etc/network/interfaces

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

purged network-manager, gnome-network-manger, etc...

nis, autofs , required packages installed.

/etc/auto.master entry:
/home yp:auto.home --timeout=60,-fstype=nfs4

default user account homearea moved location.

cat /etc/yp.conf entires:
domain nisdomainname server slave-nis1
domain nisdomainname server slave-nis2

the bug:

once gdm has started nis account users unable login homeareas not mount. alt+f1 log in local default account , run service autofs restart, alt+f7 nis accounts can login.

the reason:

once networking starts nis starts not complete until network connections has completed, autofs comes without nis fails setup maps.

the solution:

2 part solution, part 1 need modify grub boot in text mode gdm not start. done modifying /etc/default/grub line starting grub_cmdline_linux= looks like:


run 'update-grub'

second part requires setting script /etc/init.d/autofs-fix:


ping -c 1 -w 60 ip_address > /dev/null
until [ $? -eq 0 ]; do
ping -c 1 -w 60 ip_address > /dev/null

until [[ $ypwhich = "nisdomainname" ]]; do
service nis restart

service autofs restart
service gdm start

exit 0

i) replace ip_address know ip_address on network e.g. dns server ip.
ii) replace nisdomainname nis domain name.

place link in /etc/rc2.d e.g.

cd /etc/rc2.d
ln -s /etc/init.d/autofs-fix s99autofs-fix

when reboot gdm not start until nis has completed , autofs has been restarted.

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