Lightroom to Photoshop and Back

i working on improving workflow , have slant on appears common question.


if make series of changes dng in lightroom 4.3, switch photoshop cs6 additional changes (like removing blemishes , softening image, know of can done in lr now, bear me). possible return lightroom , change setting (like white balance) , have change reflected in photoshop?


i spent hour in photoshop fixing various defects in image discover did not final white balance. updated white balance , had redo photoshop tweeks.


any tips new user?



when send photo lr cs6 editing first dialog box 2 options: <edit original> , <edit copy lightroom adjustments>.

<edit original> disregards lr edits , <edit copy ...> creates psd (or tiff) lr adjustments included.


in order avoid 2 or more copies of same image, best adhere strict workflow.

my workflow is:

a) as possible in lightroom;

b) if see photoshop edits necessary, these first, , final edit in lr.


what don't do: jump editing in lr, discover have in cs, go lr, again cs .... discipline editing practice.

More discussions in Lightroom Classic CC



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