Creative Cloud downgrade to CS x.x Upgrade Path still available?

if i:

       a) join creative cloud

       b) using cs5.5 license first year @ discount price.

       c) , later decide discontinue creative cloud


then, questions:

        cs5.5 license continue allow upgrades later versions of cs @ upgrade price offered cs5.5 licencees never joined creative cloud?

       or, joining creative cloud remove me future upgrade prices?



joining cloud has no effect on eligibility perpetual license upgrades.


you don't surrender or compromise cs5.5 license when join cloud. can upgrade cs6 perpetual license version @ time - until cs7 ships.


there's special offer 12 months existing perpetual license customers entice join (sample) cloud @ discount rate. 12 month trial, if will.


be aware though cs6 adobe introduced new "one version back" policy upgrades. -new-choices-for-customers.html


so cs5.5 license qualifies upgrade cs6 @ upgrade prices.


when cs7 released, need cs6 perpetual license in order qualify cs7 upgrade pricing.


if skip cs6 perpetual licensed upgrade (and stay in cloud), you'll pay full price cs7 (or whichever version choose upgrade next).


when leave cloud @ later date on, say, cs8, you're cs5.5 - since that's last perpetually licensed version own forever.



looking crystal ball:


to mind, message adobe cloud way of future.


the future of perpetual license versions (and associated upgrades) less clear. speculate they'll disappear variety obvious reasons. opinion. there's nothing official on that.

More discussions in Adobe Creative Cloud



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