Can speedgrade copy single layers from one clip to another?

as title states: can speedgrade copy single layers 1 clip another?


alternately, can append current clip without removing existing layers?


i know can take , drag above clip create grading clip. drawbacks: can't drag layer timeline create impromptu grading clip (the has saved or grade of layers has copied c key).


any shortcut keys i'm missing or should hit request form?

what request, can't done, unfortunately.

an alternative extract grade seperate grading track (in timeline(tab)> tools > middle button 3-colors , 2 arrows), , split them.


to me sounds doing primiary/technincal correction , creative grade in 1 stack. might consider splitting garde can add creative on track above footage primiary/technical grade.


but, agree missing feature. copy/pasting of layers in stack should work in photoshop. means file request. you'll vote.

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