Save As PDF Dialog Initiated on One PC Opens on Another PC


i've run i've never seen before now.


i went print pdf document internet on laptop. save dialog box never appeared. turned in seat work pc , save dialog box displaying there.


the work pc hp windows 7 32bit.

my personal laptop acer windows 7 64bit.


they not physically connected.


the laptop connected our company's wireless internet. pc connected company's restricted-access network via ethernet.

i have used laptop connect our vpn , access work pc via remote desktop. until today, i've never had issue such this. new configuration of aware added mac filtering our wireless.


i'm not networking guru, think these 2 machines should not talking each other , if talking in remote network room, dialog box should have appeared on machine initiated call print.


aside being nifty parlor trick, it's bit annoying.


anyone insights?

that pretty extraordinary, , normal rules of things - - shouldn't possible.


here thoughts - things try.


1. happen repeatedly, or one-off?


2. suppose repond prompt , create pdf. hard drive appear on - laptop or pc?


3. suppose turn off (or hibernate) desktop. happens then?

More discussions in Printing & Prepress



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