Where did my hyperlinks go?
after "upgrading" version 3.2, opened site had built , of hyperlinks had added buttons gone. instead of seeing link addresses had added in menu bar, says add link here instead. there used box in menu bar showed link, , let type/edit directly, there drop down menu instead. started going through whole site trying see if there still active hyperlinks. when highlighted email address link on home page, showed correctly in menu bar. but, when highlight button in site, link email address instead of addresses had added. problem? "downgrading" previous version fix anything? "software" should still beta version, can't believe paying this...and won't longer.
hi yazi,
i'm sorry hear muse isn't working correctly. re-did hyperlinks menu version 3, , user pointed out bug in ui here: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4984078#4984078. i'm thinking might have hit worse version of bug, confirm theory. send muse file muse-support@adobe.com subject "attn: sam" , link thread in message body can take look? if file size >20mb, can use service adobe sendnow.
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