Passing Variable via BridgeTalk


everyone here have been fantasic getting me , running palette windows , understanding basics of bridgetalk , needs work.  understand serializing message, , loading , running external scripts via opening, reading, , sending them within context of bridgetalk.  this....




i have palette window contains listbox of items searches , lists contents of on 400 products (thanks mr. kahrel , scriptui 2.0!).  see attached.  pic of template below typical items.  imprint area shown change depending on product.




script #1:

when user selects product list, selection used open file (illustrator template) item shows guide path box  height , width information imprint area on product.  opened illustrator document contains artwork working on @ time.  artwork copied , pasted newly opened template file.


script #2:

this script contains  array of products in palette list.  within each index of array, each item contain following information:


example (the name property of each item match name of index box selection script #1):


var itemarray = new array();

//p may saved @ index 0 of itemarray


var p = new object(); ="p- shape p";

        p.width = 189;

        p.height = 103.5;

        p.pos = [300,564];



i need send selection script #1 script #2 can loop through array , find match, @ point information stored in properties of item used scale art , place in correct position on template.  there way send variable script #1 containing name of selection via bridgetalk , have stored in variable in script #2?  if not, read somewhere might possible write/save disk , have second script read it.  always, is  invaluable.



i got work:


var savefile = new file ("c:/users/henryk/desktop/listsel.txt");"r");     

       var bt = new bridgetalk; = "illustrator";         

       var script =;


       bt.body = script;




i used same method invoke scripts scriptui palette.  now, need figure out how write selection , overwrite previous info.

More discussions in Illustrator Scripting



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