Clean up prior to migration causes administrator login fails - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i in process of moving j2.5 install 3.3.x. followed tutorial migration available here on localhost install (mamp), , seemed work great! removed/disabled unused extensions/plugins clean out years of cruft have accumulated before upgrading, , when finished upgrade, had seemed functional 3.3.6 install. next day, decided log onto administrator side again, discovered none of admin accounts log on. receive "username/password match" error. searched way log on successfully, , discovered trick of adding $root_user configuration.php file, did allow me log on. tried resetting passwords on admin access accounts, created new super user account, everytime tried log on using accounts, username/password fail.

as further test, made local install of current 2.5.8 site, , did clean steps prior upgrade...and saw same issue, in cleanup has caused these super user accounts lose ability log onto admin side of things.

i *very careful* make sure did not delete authored "joomla! project." web site frontend works fine, unable access administrator side of things without emergency $root_user in configuration.php. @ point, i'm not sure go next. hoping 3.3 upgrade might re-install damaged code in admin login, did not happen.

any suggestions, or further information can provide might troubleshooting? web content active , accurate, , hate have re-construct entire website scratch. i've cleared caches , used database "fix" button no effect.

thanks in advance help/assistance/suggestions.

--> john

- reset user , pass via phpmyadmin, check
- set error_reporting maximum in configuration.php file , see more error message


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