Can I create a portfolio slideshow using custom thumbnails?

hi. after searching forums , watching several lynda tutorials, can't seem find answer specific question. i'm creating new portfolio website myself , actual portfolio page, went ahead , created custom thumbnails each of pieces want display , gave them same rollover state (see screen capture image below of how i'd them when hovered over).

screen shot 2013-01-12 @ 10.03.45 pm.png


i expecting able use them trigger pop-up slideshow, appears way in muse using 1 of pre-existing widgets. know can customize widgets, don't see way can use custom thumbnails created. overlooking or can not done in muse , have change thumbnail layout match widgets allow?


and secondary question, portfolio images different sizes (depending on type of design, of course). of widgets in muse have ability change size , shape based on image? or have make of images fit same size window?


thank you!

yes can. use presentation widget. outer container of widget selected click on blue arrow. deselect " show lighbox parts while editing" select thumbnail container , drag thumbnails position wouls like. have use 1 in composition area lightbox in slideshows area thumbnails static.

More discussions in Help with using Adobe Muse CC



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