Why am I not allowed to access Creative Cloud in French?

a 1 year subscription in hand, puzzeled how find way trough website in order start dowloading major cs6 applications. every time click adobe creative cloud, server recognizes using mac os french canadian software and, thus, sends me on french europpean page wich categorically refuses let me connect :

vous ne pouvez pas utiliser les services creative cloud en raison des conditions d’admissibilité aux services.


what do? need install software fast, , in french, if please...

hi lucasdumas,


can go https://creative.adobe.com/ , sign in successfully?


normally you'd go there sign in adobe id , install adobe application manager apps section. after adobe application manager can launched either start menu (win) or applications folder (mac) , used install of cs6 applications.


were able figured out? there discovered might helpful others?





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