Static PHP method - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

am getting error on site pages and, although goes when turn error reporting off, assume needs more permanent fix!!

the error is...

code: select all

strict standards: non-static method japplicationcms::getmenu() should not called statically in /home/ciwlpg13/public_html/libraries/cms/application/site.php on line 272

which relates line

code: select all

$menu = parent::getmenu($name, $options);

i know non static method, has ideas should make 'static'?


getmenu() isn't declared static function:

code: select all

public function getmenu($name = 'site', $options = array())

you don't want change getmenu() static function.

you want use more along lines of:

code: select all

$app = jfactory::getapplication();
$menu = $app->getmenu($name,$options);


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