1146 - An error has occurred. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i try upgrade 2.5.27 3.3.6 on local server. after dowloading package via "joomla! update" component, obtain blank page url:


if try relaod localhost/xxx/administrator/, obtain following error:

1146 - error has occurred.
table 'xxx.yyy_postinstall_messages' doesn't exist sql=show full columns `yyy_postinstall_messages`

how fix it?

i have migrated 3.3 on local server. content of mine _postinstall_messages pasted backup sql file of table. have put in database in yourdatabase , table prefix in myprefix. try create table phpmyadmin. cant worse have.

-- phpmyadmin sql dump
-- version
-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net
-- värd:
-- tid vid skapande: 02 nov 2014 kl 20:41
-- serverversion: 5.5.39
-- php-version: 5.4.31

set sql_mode = "no_auto_value_on_zero";
set time_zone = "+00:00";

/*!40101 set @old_character_set_client=@@character_set_client */;
/*!40101 set @old_character_set_results=@@character_set_results */;
/*!40101 set @old_collation_connection=@@collation_connection */;
/*!40101 set names utf8 */;

-- databas: `yourdatabase'

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- tabellstruktur `myprefix_postinstall_messages`

create table if not exists `myprefix_postinstall_messages` (
`postinstall_message_id` bigint(20) unsigned not null,
`extension_id` bigint(20) not null default '700' comment 'fk #__extensions',
`title_key` varchar(255) not null default '' comment 'lang key title',
`description_key` varchar(255) not null default '' comment 'lang key description',
`action_key` varchar(255) not null default '',
`language_extension` varchar(255) not null default 'com_postinstall' comment 'extension holding lang keys',
`language_client_id` tinyint(3) not null default '1',
`type` varchar(10) not null default 'link' comment 'message type - message, link, action',
`action_file` varchar(255) default '' comment 'rad uri php file containing action method',
`action` varchar(255) default '' comment 'action method name or url',
`condition_file` varchar(255) default null comment 'rad uri file holding display condition method',
`condition_method` varchar(255) default null comment 'display condition method, must return boolean',
`version_introduced` varchar(50) not null default '3.2.0' comment 'version when message introduced',
`enabled` tinyint(3) not null default '1'
) engine=innodb default charset=utf8 auto_increment=4 ;

-- dumpning av data tabell `myprefix_postinstall_messages`

insert `myprefix_postinstall_messages` (`postinstall_message_id`, `extension_id`, `title_key`, `description_key`, `action_key`, `language_extension`, `language_client_id`, `type`, `action_file`, `action`, `condition_file`, `condition_method`, `version_introduced`, `enabled`) values
(1, 700, 'plg_twofactorauth_totp_postinstall_title', 'plg_twofactorauth_totp_postinstall_body', 'plg_twofactorauth_totp_postinstall_action', 'plg_twofactorauth_totp', 1, 'action', 'site://plugins/twofactorauth/totp/postinstall/actions.php', 'twofactorauth_postinstall_action', 'site://plugins/twofactorauth/totp/postinstall/actions.php', 'twofactorauth_postinstall_condition', '3.2.0', 1),
(2, 700, 'com_cpanel_msg_eaccelerator_title', 'com_cpanel_msg_eaccelerator_body', 'com_cpanel_msg_eaccelerator_button', 'com_cpanel', 1, 'action', 'admin://components/com_admin/postinstall/eaccelerator.php', 'admin_postinstall_eaccelerator_action', 'admin://components/com_admin/postinstall/eaccelerator.php', 'admin_postinstall_eaccelerator_condition', '3.2.0', 1),
(3, 700, 'com_cpanel_msg_phpversion_title', 'com_cpanel_msg_phpversion_body', '', 'com_cpanel', 1, 'message', '', '', 'admin://components/com_admin/postinstall/phpversion.php', 'admin_postinstall_phpversion_condition', '3.2.2', 1);

-- index för dumpade tabeller

-- index för tabell `myprefix_postinstall_messages`
alter table `myprefix_postinstall_messages`
add primary key (`postinstall_message_id`);

-- auto_increment för dumpade tabeller

-- auto_increment för tabell `myprefix_postinstall_messages`
alter table `myprefix_postinstall_messages`
modify `postinstall_message_id` bigint(20) unsigned not null auto_increment,auto_increment=4;
/*!40101 set character_set_client=@old_character_set_client */;
/*!40101 set character_set_results=@old_character_set_results */;
/*!40101 set collation_connection=@old_collation_connection */;


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