Web hosting speed and other questions - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support


i looking ultimate web hosting solution joomla sites , come 2 prefered most: cloudaccess.net , rochen hosting

rochen has new interface , think different pricing before, looks good, give 60gb os ssd drive , cloudaccess give 20gb dont know if ssd.

i believe speeds more or less same ( believe of tell more that).

one big thing rochen can use unlimited sites on hosting while cloudaccess pay 5$ per month each additional site total price high if use 5 sites on over rochen.

thanks reading

i not know rochen, working cloudaccess while now. yes more expensive, when want host more websites, support fabulous. server settings optimized joomla, never had problem technical aspects (some hosting companies respond : problem , later turns out problems in server setting , not you). never happened cloudaccess.
also speed of servers more acceptable.
best, rob


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