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Thread: Strange FPS on SDL application.

i'm writing sdl c++ application, can assure code isn't issue. without recompiling, app either has problem or doesn't. can temper-mental.

problem is, when wave mouse around frantically, app gets near 60fps (which v-sync puts it) , when don't, it's choppy , gets around 30fps. know isn't code-specific because when comment out input handling altogether exact same thing. again, , other times runs fine.

looks this: (you can tell when wave mouse (produce near constant input) , when don't.)
fps:0 fps:31 fps:35 fps:32 fps:54 fps:59 fps:58 fps:61 fps:60 fps:59 fps:60 fps:42 fps:45 fps:33 fps:34 fps:28 fps:42 fps:41 fps:48 fps:47 fps:39 fps:36 fps:44 fps:32 fps:28 fps:31 fps:27 fps:39 fps:37 fps:56 fps:59 fps:58 fps:58 fps:59 fps:61
i'm using gnome, doubt has it.


really not sure how constant input speed framerates other it's got window manager itself.

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