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Thread: N00b question, chat to SMS and vice versa, organizing messages, need help with detail

i'm still @ beginner's level when comes programming (in python, no less), thought wouldn't hurt post question see if there offered or if had written program did this.

(names , locations redacted privacy reasons)

i'm working friend three-day event that's coming up. it's non-profit event rather specialized focus, tends pull in significant attendees. staff composed entirely of volunteers, , there minimal budget equipment beyond staff members able bring table. i've volunteered @ such events myself while, , 1 constant problem has been flow of information. it's not unusual problems arise because staff heads don't have requisite information, or because volunteers unable find superiors in order consult them on decisions. have walkie talkies staff members, near required budget distribute these volunteers.

such, friend , came idea of using twitter , aim. idea that, twitter , aim send text messages, make possible disseminate information had cell phone. until recently, i'd been trying determine if there way expand further was, effectively, sms-based alternative walkie talkies utilized free programs. ideally, i'd make lieutenants (those manage groups of volunteers) , underneath them communicate , forth without directly exchanging cell phone numbers. in addition, i'd make department heads , lieutenants send queries computer information (the time of such event, event scheduled occur in room, volunteers on duty, etc).

far can tell, need set program of combination between employee management program chat program. guess i'll go feel need ask now.

1. have open-source programs been developed sound similar this?

2. areas of programming need focus on in order make work?

3. require server, or should desktop computer capable of doing this?

4. stupid idea? (am barking wrong tree, biting off more can chew, etc...)

feel bit worried haven't quite described need to, let me know if need clarify further. when typed 'open-source python chat program' google, got few sites questions chat programs such met bit flaming, hope i'm not coming off ignorant (though am. ).

thank reading above wall of text, time, , advice may able render.

have pleasant day.

in terms of creating custom solution, you're not looking @ programming itself, sitting down , designing program architecture, designing ui, supporting multiple platforms (multiple phone os's), etc. it'll lot of work.

real time communication suggestion setup irc (chat) server. every smart phone has clients available, , if not can install 1 of many web-clients. can setup permissions, people can moderate, others can't speak, etc. it's freely available, don't pay per message, , can moderate users.

if you're not looking massive group server, maybe try google talk/jabber smaller groups of people talk in real time.

, on top of maybe setup wiki, host commonly known information people can refer organize things. once have chat, put information in wiki it's organized. can password protect both technologies also, , they're freely available.

i've done before @ conference before, used irc , wiki. helpful. hope helps!

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Specialised Support Development & Programming Programming Talk N00b question, chat to SMS and vice versa, organizing messages, need help with detail



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