Reinstalling Acrobat 7.0 Standard Upgrade Problem

i removed acrobat 7.0 standard because had problem (perhaps scanner driver related -a visioneer 9450) unable solve, , decided start scratch. when removed prior installation, there message asking if reinstalling on same machine, , indicated doin


my reinstall attempts have not worked. there messages serial number(s) no good. have checked input errors numerous times,and tried , without dashes. have not been able sovle problem.


i runnung windows xp professional. acrobat installation had been running fine since 2007 (?), maybe earlier. 6.0 standard, upgraded 7.0 standard using upgrade cd. if recall (and may not) there online upgrade took 7.1 or maybe 7.2.


all cds , serial numbers legal.


how can sove problem? absolutely rely on acrobat , scanner, , there no way can upgrade newer version @ point in forseeable future.


thank you,



aka brian aherne

More discussions in Installing, Updating, & Subscribing to Acrobat



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