Joomla 2.5.x No upgrade Options - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have spent last 2 days trying site upgraded 3.4. having spent countless hours reading various forum postings, i'm reaching out help.

for past several version of 2.5.2x have not been able use auto upgrade feature there has never been upgrade version listed. has said running current version. didn't mater if changed upgrade server sts or test, cleared caches, purged everything, fixed db, , moved install different server. in order 2.5.2x upgrades, able apply patch files manually , fix db reflect current version.

now i'm trying move 3.4, i'm sort of stuck. either need figure out way force upgrade shown, or figure out how maunally apply upgrade files 3.0 , go there.

any suggestions, short of exporting tables , doing db import hack 3.4?


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