Gradient Swatches. How do I create one from one that is already in a document?

downloaded image istockphoto. opened in illustrator , removed black background because want set own values black background in indesign.


noticed there several "bubbles" of black background behind main image contain radial gradients.


these "bubbles" fade dark blue in center out black on edge. again, want able set "black" value of black want use background of card. when click on 1 of bubbles, see in gradient palette it's radial gradient , value on left of slider 100, 75, 0, 50 can see in color palette. can't change there. on right of slider in gradient palette "black" 80, 50, 0, 100.


so, how modify value of black? if choose "new swatch" in swatches palette, creates new swatch called "new gradient swatch 1" shows process color color type below greyed out below that.


so, again, how go changing black on gradient?


idcs 5.5

click black color stop on gradient panel.... adjust values in color panel.

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