Fatal error: JViewBase cannot implement JView on Global Conf - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

steps reproduce issue

after updating joomla 3.4 or 3.3 (not clear)

global configuration delivers blank page
expected result

regular global configuration page
actual result

after setting

public $error_reporting = 'maximum';

following error displayed

fatal error: jviewbase cannot implement jview - not interface in /var/customers/webs/xxx/xxx/xxx/libraries/joomla/view/base.php on line 18
system information (as possible)
additional comments

site online since years...

rest of page seems work smoothly.

it not if happened when updating joomla 3.3.x or 3.4
since first automated update few days ago didn't throw error, when checking today. info joomla 3.3.xxx (can't recall number) , no automated update offered. downloaded newest update .zip today , installed via extension - install. no error thrown, blank page on calling global configuration still occurs.

i did run cli/deletefiles.php script in commandline via ssh.
i checked if files removed -> positive
i cleared cache etc.

the problem global configuration still there.

i reinstalled latest update -> problem still occurs.

there shouldn't file: libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php
it coming j2.5 installation , removed upon upgrade.
when file doesn't exist, suspect kind of caching cause of error.


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