Animation Questions of the Adobe & DPS app

i downloaded adobe & dps app app store.  principally showcase , informative publication on how magazine industry has embraced , incorporated dps design workflow.


i love effect of image background sharing 2 screens, when user swipes next page, central image in continued , moves on left.  have managed reproduce effect.  question on animation.


for benefit of have ipad app, referring page 19 of production, opposite, page 18 headed adobe digital publishing suite, not have benefit, principally ‘focus’ central image scrolled left user swipes between page.  there delay , 3 coloured bars, red, yellow , blue fly in background of central image right of screen.  text faded in downward motion.  further swipe next page maintains design continuity of bars arrows , fades in more text after slight delay.


i interested in technical aspects of effect.


in indesign work flow, comfortable scrolling of image graphic, cannot fathom out following..


1)    are screen complied in adobe after effects or animated adobe photoshop exported image sequences or on page load videos?  presumably here there poster image, delay triggers auto start animation ending on end rendered sequence image.


2)    are screens complied in indesign, motion imagery done in adobe edge keep low file size (transparent overlays html5).  if how draft animation elements match image background?  stage 2048 overlaid onto background or each section positioned independently?


i cannot post screenshot, not want breach copyrights, initial view option 1 easier since design contained within application, larger file sizes. option 2 interesting, lower file size, lighter app not clear of integration between id , edge practical positioning , visualisation since 2 apps not visually link each other.


i grateful on thoughts on best approaches effect.




mik, let me ask around , find out built this. may take few days i'll see can find out.



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