Actionscript 3 coding to return to home page 10 secs after sound file stops



i having problems flash project.

at moment whole thing works need have never done before.


basically, user select page , project run, via actionscript 3.0 coding, sound file , display appropriate page within timeline.

i have button once tapped return home page.

i need return home page 10 secs after sound file has stopped keep function of button.


what do?

i can provide coding using if required.


i using flash pro cs6 on win 7 pro pc.

thank help



if need time happening have couple of choices of timer elements choose from. 


the least complicated use settimeout() function , have call same function button uses.  need assign function's event argument null (as in:  function buttonfunctionname(evt:mouseevent=null) ).


another option use timer class.


both of these options documented in files if need find how use them.

More discussions in ActionScript 3



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