Why do placeholders automatically insert when inserting a caption/shape? AND displays when an effect

i have captivate , working on slides in filmstrip.  when insert text caption or smart shape, placeholder automatically inserted it.  how know when delete shape, placeholder remains.  transition set none.  isn't issue until apply effect. example, smart shape faded zoom in; "placeholder" flashes right before effect.  annoying!  no placeholders exist on master slides.


another example used arrow smart shape stretch left effect.  arrow flashes before effect starts.


how turn off placeholders?  i've had issue captivate 6.

hi there,


welcome adobe forums.


please try this:


1) delete placeholder if have on slide, before inserting smart shape.

or can use blank theme project (if not using anyother).


2) (if first step not work) can copy , paste project on new blank project check status. go file>new project>blank project>open same dimension original>copy original project>paste on new blank project.


which os have?


let know status after this.




More discussions in Adobe Captivate



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