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Thread: Ubuntu Karmic Version 9.10 Problems

i formatted linux ext3 partition before installing karmic koala, version 9.10, did clean install of version 9.10. have used last 3 different versions of ubuntu, 8.04, 8.10, , 9.04, hardly problems, after installing version 9.10, have had nothing problems. new version 9.10 has problems never experienced other versions of ubuntu. switched version, 9.04.

here list of bothersome problems have had version 9.10.

(1) had burn 9.10 iso file cd disk 3 times 1 had no errors. (with version 9.04, had burn 1 disk, , still works perfectly). used same software (nero) , same computer burn of cd disks, don't see how bad 9.10 disks hardware problem.

(2) when tried install version 9.10, process failed @ least 4 times before got successful installation. computer locked up, , quit loading program cd installation disk. on exact same computer, never has happened version 9.04.

(3) version 9.10 there no sound @ all; can't play cd's or mp3 files.

(4) in version 9.10 new "software center" is, in opinion, not improvement on previous version. in version 9.04 "add/remove applications" program easier use, , if want can install or uninstall 15 or 20 software packages @ same time. new software center allows me install or uninstall 1 software package @ time. new 9.10 "software center" not improvement, rather step backwards. solution problem use synaptic package manager install or unistall software.

(5) also, in version 9.10, when re-boot recovery mode, there no file system check (fsck) listed on recovery menu. why "file system check" left out of recovery menu version 9.10? leaving feature out unbelievably bad idea. once in while may have difficulty getting ubuntu boot-up properly. if can't boot-up way can fix problem boot recovery mode , run file system check. please put file system check on recovery menu! not having feature serious defect in version 9.10.

not going use version 9.10 now. maybe of these problems can fixed when 9.10 updated. of problems mentioned above have not been separately posted in ubuntu forum. rather spend hours of time posting every problem , trying fix them one-by-one, easier me go 9.04. know 9.04 works on both computers. (i have home-built generic desktop computer , toshiba laptop.)


i don't have comments on of post, far (1) goes, cd burner neither knows nor cares in data burns cd. numbers. whether ubuntu 9.10 or debby dallas, has no effect on burning process. don't know caused failed burns, wasn't fact burning 9.10.

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