importing ADMIN user info into NEW joomla installation - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have joomla upgrade have installed full site.
it includes articles, modules, plugins etc no other user accounts.

never mind importing others old new
but how import admin user old new?

can copy sql tables admin or break account wont allow me log in?

i have joomla upgrade have installed full site.....

i assume mean have installed "full distribution package" clean install rather upgrade/migration on top of existing installation.

it includes articles, modules, plugins etc.....

does mean own content, or sample data (optional during installation).

.....but no other user accounts.never mind importing others old new how import admin user old new? can copy sql tables admin or break account wont allow me log in?.

is there reason need copy on existing user old database new db? if did clean install, assume joomla 3.4.1 full package, don't need copy , sql data or import users - created super user account during installation process. use new details login administrator side of site - refer installation guide, link below, , example screenshot under step 1, "main configuration" -

you should have entered following information, super user account details.

    admin email address: admin email address. enter valid email in case forget password. email address you'll receive link change admin password.
    admin username: joomla! uses default "admin" username super user. can leave is, change (which security measure) or use profile in administration interface change later.
    admin password: remember super user has maximum control of site (frontend & backend), try use difficult password. use profile in administration interface change later. confirm password in confirm admin password box.

is there second admin user wanting copy over? super user log in not working?


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