Creating a plugin that extends the JModuleHelper method - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support


as developer i´m trying figure out how program plugin extends jmodulehelper.
specifically i´m thinking of making plugin adds mobile-detection control module parameter settings.

basically want plugin add standard module parameter tab called "mobility" or along lines, , here there shall simple dropdown select "load on mobile devices?" admin can choose "yes" (default) or "no".
if admin chooses "no" plugin make sure module not rendered on mobile devices.

can give me few guidelines how achieve this?
i´m interested in knowing how tap module parameter settings gui , add own settings tab plugin..

basically want create simplified version of "advanced module manager" nonumber: ... le-manager

the problem nonumber takes alot of resources.
i´m looking make super light weight plugin mobility control in module manager.

i guess try take closer @ source code of advanced module manager, , see if can extract 1 or 2 pieces of useful code application..


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