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Thread: Is there an open-source e-learning tool similar to Adobe Captivate?

hi gurus,

i'm looking free, open-source e-learning tool similar adobe captivate run under linux.

official blurb: "adobeĀ® captivateĀ® 5.5 software industry-leading elearning authoring software rapidly creating , maintaining interactive elearning content. import existing microsoft powerpoint content , make more engaging rich media, application simulations, branching scenarios, , quizzes. publish leading scorm- , aicc-compliant learning management systems , track key performance metrics."

have ideas?

only 1 have found salasaga, can downloaded sudo apt-get install salasaga. however, web site ( states ubuntu repo's version broken. looks might have stalled dev in 2010. i'd find articulate (on windows).

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support General Help [ubuntu] Is there an open-source e-learning tool similar to Adobe Captivate?



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