Need help with css for form element size (Fabrik/J3) - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have fabrik 3.2 running on newly migrated joomla 3.x site.

i can't seem field widths change on contact form.

if examine elements , @ name field, see

code: select all

input type="text" id="contact___name" name="contact___name" size="10" maxlength="150" class="input-medium fabrikinput inputbox text" placeholder="your name..." value=""

if change size 30, closer want

code: select all

input type="text" id="contact___name" name="contact___name" size="30" maxlength="150" class="input-medium fabrikinput inputbox text" placeholder="your name..." value=""

i set custom_css.php in bootstrap folder.

that looks like

code: select all

/* begin - css styling starts here */
#$form .foobar {
    display: none;
.fabrikgroup input[type="text"] {
width: 80% !important;
.fabrikgroup li:before {
content: none !important;
.fabrikelement {size: auto !important;}
/* end - css styling ends here */

but apparently isn't working. read pointed problem being group more 1 column. don't believe have that.

i'm bit fuzzy on of finer aspects of css. can tell me css should use override default widths either percentage or fixed size??



it's 4 fields, why didn't make separate css defination each text field?

#contact___name {


contact___company {




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