Edge Animation-Static HTML version for Muse?

could adobe take peek @ question (posted earlier today) , let me know how resolve?


many thanks!  marian


i have museo text animation imported edge on muse home page, , play once.

i place static html text version of on other pages, have simple type headline. how create exact match endframe of animation, please?  there way import static html version of last frame?  museo has been published site typekit, not available create replication in muse.


is there way freeze animation on other pages, or have replace image capture png?

when tried place "capture" png, transparent bg displayed opaque.




i want make sure old set of web-fonts deleted site, since replaced web-font set , site slogging along. want make sure don't have old fonts still loading.  how can please?


thanks, marian

you need make png transparent background in image editing software photoshop , use static graphic in muse pages.


muse should download webfonts (typekit fonts) being used in site pages somewhere. seeing unused fonts being downloaded while visiting site?

More discussions in Help with using Adobe Muse CC



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