Why error: "The data in the file [file name] has already been added to the response file"

this error returned after attempting import data more 1 reader-enabled pdf form associated portfolio response file.


it has never occurred before. in fact, same response file used import dozens of files in november.


at risk of cross-posting, i've received no answers elsewhere community of users , developers. found forum enterprise deployments, fits use case.


the error doesn't appear documented anywhere. have no idea what's causing error. portfolio file documented, nevertheless, adobe solution extracting , tracking dynamic data pdf forms.


this isn't first time i've run livecycle/acrobat issues couldn't find answer technical issue (not beyond "install latest version" -- didn't work).


the environment adobe acrobat, livecycle 9.0, windows server 2003 , windows xp professional.


this becoming urgent issue, , it's satisfactory resolution influence whether client continues use adobe products in future -- , whether continue advocate use developer. not overstated.


i appreciate assistance.


if no assistance available here, can please recommend how developers supposed technical support undocumented issues in piece of software second largest software purchase i've made, , recommended clients in last year?


brian d.

More discussions in Enterprise Deployment (Acrobat and Reader)



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