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Thread: ./configure issue - No package 'pygobject-2.0' found

trying install program, wouldn't compile. program runewin - oldish , dead-since-2010 program - , error this:
traceback (most recent call last):   file "/usr/local/bin/runewin", line 54, in <module>     gtk.window_set_default_icon_from_file("/usr/share/pixmaps/runewin.svg") glib.gerror: couldn't recognize image file format file '/usr/share/pixmaps/runewin.svg'
i had no idea meant, googled. when googler fall off, found article said compiling 'pygtk' source workaround issue, in end matter resolved. don't know did fix though. so, decided go , compile pygtk source. now, gives me own error, saying:
configure: error: package requirements (pygobject-2.0 >= 2.21.3) not met:  no package 'pygobject-2.0' found  consider adjusting pkg_config_path environment variable if installed software in non-standard prefix.  alternatively, may set environment variables pygobject_cflags , pygobject_libs avoid need call pkg-config. see pkg-config man page more details.
now i'm stuck , have no idea do. there hope me?
- search

you need install python-gobject-dev package compile pygtk, i'm not sure should need compile it.

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