Captivate 6 - Background Image Distortion

hi there,

when converting old captivate files (generally in version 5.5) version 6, pieces of images either previous version of slide or other slides overlayed when previewed or published, though these not visible in storyboard mode/master slide view.


i sounds similar issue posted, in our issue whole slide isn't wrong, mash of 2 different versions.


our company using captivate it's main solution self directed training. have on 130 video tutorials completed in version 5.5. need start using captivate 6 new html5 functionality issue stoping being able use version 6. have release coming in spring , if use version 6 literally triple our working effort having fix of these background glitches. we're forced use 5.5 until issue sorted.


i've attached screen shots of i'm referring to.

captivate 6 issue 01.pngcaptivate 6 issue 02.png

which slide quality use? try optimized or high.


turn off compression when publishing , check if still have issue.



More discussions in Adobe Captivate



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