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Thread: Tags saved in Easytag aren't recognised by Rhythmbox or Amarok

when tag flac files in easytag, changes are't recognised amarok or rhythmbox.

have both of "write id3v1 , v2" checked, "write id3 tags in flac files" , "automatically convert old id3v2 tag versions".

amarok 2.4.3
easytag 2.1.6
rhythmbox 0.12.8

1. disable "write id3 tags in flac files"
2. rewrite tags on flac files, select them in easytag , file->write tags (key binding ctrl+shift+s)

Forum The Ubuntu Forum Community Ubuntu Official Flavours Support Multimedia Software [all variants] Tags saved in Easytag aren't recognised by Rhythmbox or Amarok



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