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Thread: CaSe changing command?

hello, may sound odd, know of command rename files , folders in directory lower case?






bash scripting! made , it's working fine
#!/bin/bash parent_folder="/home/username/parent_folder" #path parent folder, edit whole script if [ ! -s "$parent_folder" ];  echo "parent folder not exist!\n"  exit 2; fi ifs_bak=$ifs ifs=" " file_or_folder in $(find "$parent_folder"/*);     file_or_folder_lowercase=$(echo $file_or_folder | tr '[a-z]' '[a-z]')     #sending error messages null because mv outputs error if filename same destination name     #as result, if have lowercase name not touch output error     mv "$file_or_folder" "$file_or_folder_lowercase" 2> /dev/null  done  ifs=$ifs_bak
although script *double* tested recommend backing up files before executing

edit: works if files have renamed(because if folder has been renamed , has subfiles 'mv' has wrong path.... working on it

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