Photoshop CS6 Update Failures - absolutely frustrated

once again, after removing web / creative suite , re-installing (because not update when last revision of ps came out)    we   have gotten update failure on photoshop cs6 extended when updater tried apply latest update - 13.0.4


we examined log files - once again apparently looking  ps language files not there ?    adobe  wth ?


this insanity needs stop.    one,  if photoshop can licenseed in 1 language (in our case, english) why update these other languages ? 


1>   we've never uninstalled osx language or used utility remove languages or fonts 

2>   installed the  cs6 "fresh" - on new machine and  fresh install of osx

3>   happens on every machine have, every time there update, absolutely infuriating have go through every time.

4>    effects photoshop - other adobe apps update fine.  



is there fix besides wasting 2 hours re-installing , re-insalling plug-ins ?




here contents onf log file: 


-------------------------------------- summary --------------------------------------

- 0 fatal error(s), 28 error(s), 1 warning(s)



error: dw023: extension payload: {15fb37de-0c42-4c60-acd3-45e136ccffae} adobe photoshop cs6 hungarian language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-hu_hu requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 hungarian language pack_adobephotoshop13-hu_hu


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {2ccb171c-8fed-4df1-900a-a4235d8e0040} adobe photoshop cs6 norwegian language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-nb_no requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 norwegian language pack_adobephotoshop13-nb_no


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {31e0bb6c-fe09-495d-bede-6f3473827670} adobe photoshop cs6 il english language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-en_il requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 il english language pack_adobephotoshop13-en_il


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {3b4537f1-68af-4061-a847-e2c6986ed902} adobe photoshop cs6 korean language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-ko_kr requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 korean language pack_adobephotoshop13-ko_kr


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {3e23882f-4750-4548-843d-178bc1f834df} adobe photoshop cs6 czech language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-cs_cz requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 czech language pack_adobephotoshop13-cs_cz


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {3e6adc58-9fef-42b1-8bf4-a881bff39e9f} adobe photoshop cs6 spanish language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-es_es requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 spanish language pack_adobephotoshop13-es_es


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {50ee905c-9e11-4d2f-a90d-50e9f60af47d} adobe photoshop cs6 german language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-de_de requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 german language pack_adobephotoshop13-de_de


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {51c0e161-8901-46b3-95fb-89e1ac3ec4c9} adobe photoshop cs6 ae english language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-en_ae requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 ae english language pack_adobephotoshop13-en_ae


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {54751220-7107-4eea-afe1-a404c4993c34} adobe photoshop cs6 north american spanish language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-es_mx requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 north american spanish language pack_adobephotoshop13-es_mx


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {73088cd1-4272-4776-9229-3b05bce0842b} adobe photoshop cs6 italian language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-it_it requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 italian language pack_adobephotoshop13-it_it


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {90b5470d-5115-4019-8b66-88e7c59e90a3} adobe photoshop cs6 russian language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-ru_ru requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 russian language pack_adobephotoshop13-ru_ru


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {97c7709f-8794-489d-9ee6-e68d8510aaaa} adobe photoshop cs6 swedish language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-sv_se requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 swedish language pack_adobephotoshop13-sv_se


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {a3b28d1a-dc4d-4365-832b-f17fee8572f6} adobe photoshop cs6 ma french language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-fr_ma requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 ma french language pack_adobephotoshop13-fr_ma


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {ae6d3b4f-a4a7-4ea4-8344-f0ff5539254d} adobe photoshop cs6 international english language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-en_gb requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 international english language pack_adobephotoshop13-en_gb


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {b42e6b04-66f6-446e-a4ab-8d24d3ff9212} adobe photoshop cs6 finnish language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-fi_fi requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 finnish language pack_adobephotoshop13-fi_fi


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {b56f84f2-aabb-4860-88b9-1a54cffd2cd1} adobe photoshop cs6 brazilian portugese language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-pt_br requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 brazilian portugese language pack_adobephotoshop13-pt_br


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {bc66696a-2c2f-4488-8075-627d7a69b473} adobe photoshop cs6 turkish language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-tr_tr requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 turkish language pack_adobephotoshop13-tr_tr


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {c1132f98-cb10-494c-a09c-2fc72bebea16} adobe photoshop cs6 chinese (traditional) language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-zh_tw requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 chinese (traditional) language pack_adobephotoshop13-zh_tw


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {c2b180c0-05c0-4757-94e8-bbcd5a222aa8} adobe photoshop cs6 chinese language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-zh_cn requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 chinese language pack_adobephotoshop13-zh_cn


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {c896ea93-b9d3-4edf-9637-cc45b7513273} adobe photoshop cs6 french language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-fr_fr requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 french language pack_adobephotoshop13-fr_fr


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {d8d3e251-3793-47e3-b3cb-88b0ed985f68} adobe photoshop cs6 polish language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-pl_pl requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 polish language pack_adobephotoshop13-pl_pl


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {f006bca5-f4f4-456b-b928-7ad8aa8252c0} adobe photoshop cs6 japanese language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-ja_jp requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 japanese language pack_adobephotoshop13-ja_jp


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {f070d96e-c124-459d-9543-72ed7d201e5e} adobe photoshop cs6 ukrainian language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-uk_ua requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 ukrainian language pack_adobephotoshop13-uk_ua


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {f16e3a78-7f89-44c1-91fb-c111823d0b4c} adobe photoshop cs6 dutch language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-nl_nl requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 dutch language pack_adobephotoshop13-nl_nl


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {f2d5ef84-de61-42af-b21d-e21e13c1a8f8} adobe photoshop cs6 canadian french language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-fr_ca requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 canadian french language pack_adobephotoshop13-fr_ca


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

error: dw023: extension payload: {fd8ae12f-9b94-4a71-b334-6061d877d422} adobe photoshop cs6 danish language pack_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-da_dk requires parent following specification:

          family: photoshop

          productname: adobe photoshop cs6 danish language pack_adobephotoshop13-da_dk


          this parent relationship not satisfied, because payload not present in session.

          this payload ignored in session.

----------- payload: {d05f6c17-7d5c-47f8-b64c-927bca844013} adobe photoshop cs6 core_13.0.3_adobephotoshop13-core -----------

warning: dw063: command arkpatchcommand failed.(seq 419)

----------- payload: {77b1bdec-f7fb-4330-b9fd-180c0d22a757} adobe photoshop cs6 core_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-core -----------

error: dw063: command arkpatchcommand failed.(seq 418)



error: dw050: following payload errors found during install:

error: dw050:  - adobe photoshop cs6 core_13.0.4_adobephotoshop13-core: install failed



please search above error/warning string(s) find when error occurred.

these errors resulted in installer exit code mentioned below.


[       0] fri jan 18 07:06:16 2013  info

exit code: 6 - silent workflow completed errors.

please see specific errors , warnings troubleshooting. example, error: dw023, dw063 ... warning: dw063 ...


end - installer session




have changed of icons? , version show after update failure; @ 13.0.0 or newer? see update failures when expected resource missing , comes down deleted/moved plug-ins or modified icon resources.


regarding 3rd party plug-ins, shouldn't have reinstall since adobe installers didn't install them.


btw, language warnings not material failure. logged, ignored installer.




More discussions in Photoshop General Discussion



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