InDesign black actually 91%K

hi all,

i've seen discussed in many forums, have yet come across satisfying solution, thought i'd try find answer.


the problem seems simple:


for sake of discussion let's imagine single page in indesign 1 word or graphic shape in middle, set in black, using default indesign 'black' swatch. greyscale document, , sent off-set press printing no colour signatures. black plate.


i export page pdf , view on screen: text doesn't show black, more of grey. thought no problem, it's showing me approximation or proof black shows how on paper (if set in rgb, comes out nice , black).


so test, open pdf in photoshop check levels. lo , behold, black not 100%, 91%k.


why black not black? , should worry this? (images 100 seem come out black fine).


anyone thoughts?


thanks in advance.



first of all, should not open pdf file in photoshop accurately assess colors since definition, photoshop color conversions when opening pdf file objects color space in pdf file not match default color space of photoshop.


you can readily determine actual colors in acrobat pro using output preview=>separations  function (typically under print production). move cursor “black” object , see says values of cmyk. pure black should (0,0,0,100).


if acrobat doesn't show (0,0,0,100) cmyk values, need @ export settings , make sure cmyk output color space matches cmyk color space of document , making no color conversions during export process. example, if default/document cmyk color space web coated swop , exporting fogra, readily expect changes in colors.


          - dov

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