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Thread: I dun goofed my startup

i tried setting xubuntu didnt run gui @ first. since use emacs on this, wanted have manually start xfce

anyway here did
sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove
echo "false" | sudo tee /etc/x11/default-display-manager

when try loading xubuntu hangs on "xubuntu loading screen". not showing pretty 1 either, showing text 1 4 dots under it.

able log recovery console though, , start gdm manually right now(posting message). i'm trying repair start up. tried this
sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults 30 01
echo "/usr/bin/gdm" | sudo tee /etc/x11/default-display-manager

nope, not workin.


every single time make post here fix myself within 5 seconds

answer had make it:

notice sbin. had bin before.

whatever guess.

ask question: how boot without gui? method tried, said, broke xubuntus startup

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