Tags not displayed with Joomla 3.4 - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

tags displayed @ bottom of articles, joomla 3.3.6, using modified version of protostar template. updated joomla 3.4 several days ago, , have today noticed tags no longer displayed. i'm not sure if disappeared when upgrade occurred, or if disappeared later.

i've looked possible options controlling display of tags, , ensured selected "show". i've tried switching temporarily unmodified protostar, , beez template, tags did not come back. i've tried several different browsers.

i've searched forum, have found one thread might similar issue (although i'm not sure understand issue in thread, wording ambiguous me). i've checked issues tracker, couldn't find problem listed, simple fix on site.

i'd appreciate hints on settings may have missed, or ways track down cause of issue.

the post referred remains unresolved useless you.

it appears in update, method of calling tag code block below articles removed components/com_content/views/article/tmpl/default.php. sets tags below article if article info option set show below article.

the block of code moved layout template in layouts/joomla/content/info_block/block.php tag call missing.

the block placing article info above article still present , includes tag template call should see tags if change setting show above.

to below article setting work before.
- create override of layouts > content
- edit protostar/html/layouts/joomla/content/info_block/block.php
- place following code above <dl class="article-info

code: select all

<?php if ($displaydata['params']->get('show_tags', 1) && !empty($displaydata['item']->tags->itemtags)) : ?>
   <?php $displaydata['item']->taglayout = new jlayoutfile('joomla.content.tags'); ?>
   <?php echo $displaydata['item']->taglayout->render($displaydata['item']->tags->itemtags); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

note: solution not restricted protostar


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