In-depth documentation for extension development. - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i'm not sure if correct place ask help, i'm coming point of desperation.

i decided come web development, after more half decade developing , administrating desktop/corporate environments. i've stopped full-time web development in pre-mobile era.

so, after bit of reading, , watching job/freelance offers, identify market trends, "wp vs joomla vs drupal" discussions, realized joomla strong candidate time.

started official site's documentation, , when wasn't enough, bought high rated amazon book on matter. both approaches seamed lacking in-depth information looking for.

the question have is, can find step-by-step, in-depth information joomla's component development, preferably, starting joomla's mvc approach developed , explained joomla's component?

thanks in advance.

yes, documentation hard come joomla. searched , think might looking for: (learning joomla 3 extensions)

i found these 4 joomla extension development books:

it seems code joomla php, might want grasp on that. have php dummies book need read, read joomla 2.5 book.

found joomla documentation quick search:
but seem asking too!

goodd luck - i'm trying upgrade j2.5 3.x: viewtopic.php?f=710&t=873995
if can help/wants follow along.


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