Unable to install to local host on OS X - Joomla! Forum - community, help and support

i have done of prerequisites installing joomla started installation going localhost on browser. overview page , in pre-installation check says configuration.php not writable incorrect (as verified in finder). tap install button , takes me previous page, assuming because of permissions on configuration.php.

so i'm going refresh of installation. 1 of problems following installation instructions in joomla! community magazine (march 2013) written toward windows.

q: 1. configuration.php file supposed reside outside of installation folder (if delete installation folder configuration.php file deleted also)?
2. on os x installation, name of installation folder , parent folder. windows installation says create "joomla30" folder in "htdocs" in xampp folder. correct os x?

what mess! frustrated right now, having tried day joomla locally installed.

on os x, localhost @ /library/webserver/documents

you either install joomla directly in documents folder, in case resulting web site @ http://localhost, or install in folder, in case site @ http://localhost/joomla30 (assuming used joomla30 folder).

configuration.php must writable web server during installation process. web server different user you, having writable not enough. make writable now. after installation, change permissions make writable no one.

configuration.php should reside @ root level of site. i.e. @ /library/webserver/documents/configuration.php, or /library/webserver/documents/joomla30/configuration.php

hang in there.


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